
Friday, November 5, 2010

Jumping the Surf -- Finished Painting

Now I am working hard to finish a number of outstanding paintings, so this is finished this morning, although I have yet to sign it. I will do that in a few days when I have let it dry a bit. The painting is medium size, 22 x 16 inches and on canvas. I am not sure if I will sell it yet. I will think about that, as it is of my niece and nephew. I will probably make prints of it and hang on to the original. Unless I get a very big offer! So enjoy it and wait for more updates as I have several other works which are in progress that I should get to over the next while.


  1. Hi Jim, Your latest is really really good. I especially like the detail of the sea and the color in the sky. I hope you are not reading this and have gone to bed. happy scary dreaming. Keep up the good work, Catherine.

  2. Very nice reflective qualities in this, Jim!
