
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Daisy Meadow Flower Painting

This is the initial stage of my next painting, which I have just sketched out. I don't use pencil on the canvas as it is difficult to cover in paint and instead I draw out with charcoal before going over it in paint. Here I have drawn in a medium green, made from mixing viridian and cadmium yellow. I am blocking in the background darker areas for now with viridian mixed with raw umber. I will update during the week as I progress this painting.

If you want to buy a print of a daisy I painted before, visit my Etsy shop. To see previous art demonstrations, here are some links: snowscene, clew bay, fishing in a lake, etc. You can also search under art demonstrations on the blog tags list on the right column. I hope you enjoy the site and spend some time browsing my art. I am selling original paintings in the gallery at the bottom of this page. Please scroll down to view them.

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