Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1841 - 1919,

I am currently reading a library book about the techniques used by this impressionist artist.

Renoir painted delightful paintings which have always held a special place in the affections of the art-loving public. Today he is one of the most popular and well-known of the impressionists. Unlike most of his contemporaries, who came from middle-class backgrounds, he came from humble origins, being the son of a tailor. A simple and sincere man, he had little time for theories about art, but rather believed that a thing of beauty needed no commentary. His earlier work had much in common with the other impressionists, but gradually he developed his own very personal style. He was meticulous in his attention to learning the craft of painting. However, success came gradually to him and it was during the middle of his life that he began to gain recognition as a major artist. The earlier years of his life knew much hardship, yet from the day he decided to become a painter a brush was always in his hand. He painted well into old age, even when arthritis afflicted his ability to work.
The book shows sections of Renoirs paintings in detail and describes the methods used by him in accomplishing certain effects some of which I hope I can incorporate into my own paintings.
Meanwhile, I have been painting steadily so I shall post new works in my next post. If possible, I won't be leaving it a month to post next time!


Unknown said...

Enjoyed your post. So whats the title of the book? Also think you capture light in your paintings very well. Nice technique.

Jim Shanahan said...

Thanks for the compliment and comment King. I haven't been so active on the blog lately, but that's just a passing phase due to current obligations. I'm rather busy lately. So keep checking back from time to time. The book is called "The History and Techniques of the Great Masters -- Renoir" by Guy Jennings. I am also reading "The Impressionists" by Pierre Courthion.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I will check out these books. I was surfing the web when I found you,and surfing found you again! I see alot more content since July 9. Your web site looks nice to. Have you on my favorites now. Thanks again, King.