Thursday, February 3, 2011

Child with Dog Painting Finished

I am going to call this painting "Eighty Winks" unless I can think of another better name. It is not my usual subject but I am learning new subject matter, so be prepared to see other different themes from time to time. I don't want to be one of those artists that always churn out the same stuff excessively, although eventually that does happen us all to some extent when we need to make a living, as we gravitate toward one theme or another which is successful. Hopefully this painting can be considered a success. I have learnt a lot about the use of colour in painting this and intend now to do further portrait work in the coming weeks, along with my usual landscape paintings. I am trying to complete a few outstanding paintings now before I start anything new, so that I don't have the house full of half-finished projects. I am getting more disciplined in that respect which is great, all it takes is will-power. As usual, feedback welcome. Thanks Jim

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